

  • Write copy for emails, landing pages, ads, merchandise, graphics, pitch packets, marketing and sales materials (such as decks and one-pagers), talking points, social media, text messages, and such

  • Construct messaging that best represents and enhances the organization’s vision, mission and goals for a particular campaign

  • Design tests on copy, tactics and strategies to optimally increase engagement and donations

  • Determine tone, style, substance and flow of the copy

  • Through our proven processes, we enhance the brand, establish the tone and enrich the campaign’s messaging

Copy Editing

  • Edit copy on emails, landing pages, ads, pitch packets, proposals, infographics, etc.

  • Revise and make recommendations to copy, placement of calls to action, tactics used and strategies employed

  • Optimize copy to drive engagement and donations

  • Proof final products to ensure no mistakes are made


  • Write speeches and/or talking points

  • Research topics of discussion and event

  • Study principal’s style and tone to capture the essence of it in the speech

  • Brainstorm and outline key messaging points

  • Consult with principal and relevant parties

  • Coach the principal on delivery of speech – from the use of cadence to pauses to non-verbal cues



Email Marketing

  • Develop email concepts

  • Determine sender, subject lines, call to action, flow and structure of email

  • Design tests on copy, tactics and strategies to optimally drive engagement and donations

  • Explore ways to grow email lists through paid and earned means

  • Set email schedule

Online Fundraising

  • Create innovative online, small dollar donor fundraising campaigns

  • Determine the best copy angles, tactics and strategies to drive donations and data

  • Identify trends and opportunities for online fundraising campaigns, and make recommendations based on findings

  • Think outside the box while also building upon past successes

Online Advocacy

  • Develop digital advocacy/grassroots campaigns

  • Determine goal of the campaign (to drive a specific policy/ballot initiative, comments for submission, piece of legislation, etc.), as well as strategies to meet it

  • Create engagement funnels to enhance the user journey from advocate to donor to social sharer — with potential for online to offline conversions and vs-vs.

  • Write copy for all stages of the campaign, including ad copy

Online Engagement

  • Develop concepts for online engagement campaigns, such as petitions, surveys, and polls

  • Design strategies to move people through the engagement funnel, converting them to higher level “asks”

  • Enhance the user journey from online petitioner/survey taker to donor to social media advocate — with potential for online to offline conversions

  • Write and consult on copy, tactics, and strategies used

  • Write copy for all stages of the campaign

Digital Strategy

  • Write and consult on copy, tactics, and strategies used

  • Develop strategies for getting individuals through the “funnel” and forming deeper relationships with targeted audiences

  • Identify best and worst performing tactics, messaging angles and strategies from previous or current email and online campaigns

  • Research, monitor and identify trends and explore opportunities for copywriting, email marketing and online fundraising

  • Make recommendations to content calendars

  • Consult on social media strategies, particularly brand-building social media tools like Pinterest, Instagram and Facebook



Copywriting, Email Marketing and/or Online Fundraising Consulting

  • Evaluate existing copy styles, structures and strategies, as well as analytics

  • Identify best and worst performing tactics, messaging angles and strategies

  • Recommend best practices for copy used in email marketing or online campaigns

  • Determine keywords and messaging angles worth testing

  • Consult on the behavioral and psychological influences that drive actions

Copy Coaching

  • Train, coach and mentor junior copywriters

  • Provide guidance and feedback on copy

  • Make recommendations and necessary edits to copy, placement of calls to action, tactics used and strategies employed

  • Lead workshops on best practices

  • Guide writers in how to design email or online fundraising campaigns

Political Consulting

  • Devise winning strategies to drive specific actions or outcomes

  • Advise on political environment and key players

  • Build relationships and maintain communication with relevant points of contact

  • Conduct research

  • Craft talking points and briefing memos

  • Create lists of key influencers

Fundraising Consulting

  • Develop a strategic fundraising plan to help recruit and engage new donors, grow the donor base and raise funds

  • Design strategies to establish a fundraising network and generate donations

  • Research and identify potential donors based on giving history, affiliations, interests, likelihood to give, etc.

  • Create prospective donor lists

  • Advise on fundraising environment, key players, and online to offline opportunities

  • Construct letters, emails and fundraising packets to solicit contributions and engage donors

  • Cultivate and maintain relationships between donors and clients

Brand and Image Consulting

  • Conduct a thorough assessment of brand characteristics, history and goals

  • Do a SWOT analysis on the overall environment

  • Develop strategies to achieve specific goals for personal or professional branding

  • Identify areas of growth and opportunity, as well as areas in need of strengthening

  • Advise on presentation, messaging and non-verbal cues

  • Make recommendations to social media strategies




  • Develop guides based on best practices for copywriting, email marketing and online fundraising

  • Create style and author guides for consistent messaging across all platforms

  • Make copy recommendations

  • Provide examples of different types of emails


  • Create email templates (from direct ask fundraising to engagement to get out the vote)

  • Develop email campaigns or waterfall series

  • Outline best practices and recommendations



Types of Trainings Available:

  • Webinars

  • Presentations

  • Seminars

  • Workshops

  • Panels